Creative Advertising Solutions

May 31, 2024

Making effective advertisements takes a great deal of creative brain juice—good thing we’ve got a lot of it here at Savage. 

Bringing creative advertising solutions to your business not only heightens ad exposure, but it also helps boost your overall brand awareness. These are the critical components in curating an advertisement that’s eye-catching, effective, and utterly different from what’s been done before. 

Conceptualize and Create

The first step in the advertising process begins with creative concepting. Understand the objectives of not only the overarching brand, but the advertisement in specific. Working with the goals of your campaign allows the advertising metrics to ideally align with the purpose behind the campaign. 

When creating an advertisement, tailor the content to the platform it will be pushed to. Assessing the concept of the ad leads to the development of creative strategies and methods of direction for the campaign. Once the creative process begins, sticking to the core objectives and being open to changes along the way are essential to execution. 

Tests and Trials

Being a Savage is all about being brave. Luckily with advertisements, informed risk-taking is actually a good thing. 

Hitting the mark with your advertising may take a few tries. Your creative strategy and direction must align with your goals. Whether it’s conversion rates, impressions, or awareness, utilize different metrics and performance indexes to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the promotion. Start small and run tests to discover what works best for the ad and the audience. 

Do It Different

The best way to stand out is by doing what others aren’t. Don’t be afraid to step out of the common creative and be bold—after all, creativity takes courage. When coming up with a direction for a campaign, utilize client intake and brand assets. Work with the foundation of the brand, then expand to craft something that may be unexpected to their current consumer. The best strategy for building brand awareness and consumer engagement is curating something unique to stand out from competitors. 

Whenever you’re ready to get started on one-of-a-kind, strategically-planned advertisements, send us a note. Let’s get Savage.