Savage News: Introducing Collin

November 30, 2022

Not Too Shabby For an Intern

If we had to choose one word to describe our intern, Collin Jacobi, it would be driven. 

When he’s not in class earning his masters degree in marketing, he’s in the Savage office bringing in a fresh perspective to our creative operation.

Collin was only 16 years old when he met Cory Savage. Admittedly, he has always looked up to Cory’s work ethic and creative style. Since then, Collin has always (secretly) wanted to work alongside the Savage team. 

Well, he has yet to disappoint! For an intern, he brings a sh*t ton to the table. From photography, to social media expertise, to creative concepting, Collin knows a thing or two about appealing to an audience. Plus, he’s not afraid to speak his mind. He doesn’t like to play by the rules, and we like that. 

Collin is a sponge, constantly absorbing information, ideas, and inspiration. It’s obvious that he has a passion for what he does, and lives by the ‘brave creative’ mindset. 

Oh, and if you want to get on his good side, offer him a raspberry jelly donut. But if it’s any other type of jelly, don’t even bother.