Selling fresh, honest-to-goodness produce since 1934

The Challenge

Modernizing the banana man
Marchese’s humble origins take them back to 1934, when their namesake Vito Marchese, fondly known as the “banana man,” delivered fruits and vegetables from his hand-painted truck. Although some things never change (like V. Marchese’s commitment to quality in both goods and services), other things could use a refreshment.
When we first met the V. Marchese crew, their website was a bit… outdated. They have the produce expertise to keep loyal customers, but needed a more advanced website to expand their business. In addition to a new site, they trusted us to craft an authentic, compelling brand architecture that resonated with their quality, customer service, and—most importantly—deliciousness.
The banana man needed a facelift.

Flaunting the freshness
When it came to modernizing the V. Marchese brand, we went with the only color that seemed appropriate: yellow. Not only does this color pay homage to the Banana Man, but it also leaves room for the fresh produce to do most of the work. Photography of brightly colored fruits and vegetables pop against the light yellow.
Incorporating vivid images of their products alongside playful verbiage was the recipe for V. Marchese’s brand. If it elicits a chuckle or an eye roll, mission accomplished! We incorporated humor in the copy to make them lovable, memorable, and of course, meme-able. Who doesn’t want to see fruit puns on their feed?

Yellow trucks? Easy Peasy V. Marchese!
Marchese is beloved for the authentic relationships they have with their customers. Now, they have a beautiful brand identity to match their witty personality and passion for produce.
Their new trucks have hit the road and can be seen throughout a 100-mile radius of Milwaukee. Nothing says “we’re the best” like a bright yellow banana truck with a pun on its hatch.
And, if you look closely…. you may see the original banana man lurking in the shadows.