Welcome The Satori Food Project to the Savage Family

Let us ask you a couple of questions:

Do you drink coffee?
Do you like chocolate?
Do you deal with everyday stress and anxiety?

You don’t have to answer. We’re willing to bet that you’re a lot like us, which means you check off at least two out of the three. It’s for people just like you, then, and us, that The Satori Food Project has come to be.

The Satori Food Project exists in the form of a mocha-flavored powder that you can simply add to your coffee or hot chocolate. With a boost of magnesium and other essential vitamins to encourage calmness, it’s a product that helps ease anxiety and stress without requiring a deviation from our everyday routine. Sign us up!

We’re excited to welcome The Satori Food Project and Kwado, the UW – Madison pharmacist behind the brand, to our team! Check out our work on Twi, to see how the project went.

Brave Creative, Defined

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